Az utóbbi időben történt természeti katasztrófák, mint például a 2021-es németországi árvizek,  rádöbbentették a döntéshozókat arra, hogy a lakosság döntő többsége nem tudja, mi a teendő katasztrófahelyzetben. Felismerve a riasztási rendszerek és a polgári válasz között tátongó szakadékot, a B-PREPARED innovatív és költséghatékony megoldást kínál ahhoz, hogy az emberek eredményesen kezeljenek vészhelyzeteket.  Kiemelkedő fontosságú, hogyContinue reading “A B-PREPARED HORIZON EUROPE PROJEKT ÚJSZERŰ MEGKÖZELÍTÉST KÍNÁL A KATASZTRÓFÁK ELLENI FELKÉSZÜLÉSHEZ CIVILEK SZÁMÁRA”

Horizon Europe Work Programme 2021-2022: Digital, Industry and Space

Draft available exclusively for our community members The European Commission has submitted the draft Work Programme including the planned call texts for Cluster 7: Digital, Industry and Space through the NCPs for consultation with selected key stakeholders, including our company. The draft is NOT FOR PUBLIC and CONFIDENTIAL. To support our community members in establishingContinue reading “Horizon Europe Work Programme 2021-2022: Digital, Industry and Space”

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Székely Family & Co. Kft. would like to wish all its members and partners a peaceful, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Spend the holidays in good health, in love, with care for each other. The safety and unity of the family is the most important thing and must be in the focus ofContinue reading “We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!”

Heads up! EC released H2020 call for proposal with deadline March 2021

The European Commission released a call for proposals with deadline 10th of March, 2021. Projects must have a total capital expenditure between EUR 2 500 000 and EUR 7 500 000 to be eligible. The grants will be provided as lump sums. In addition, project development assistance (PDA) will be provided in the form of servicesContinue reading “Heads up! EC released H2020 call for proposal with deadline March 2021”

Loans to individuals and companies

NOT FOR PUBLIC (GTC 11.2) Székely Family and Co. Ltd. informs its members and clients that a lender is offering loans to individuals and companies whose shares are trading on most major stock exchanges outside the United States. The lender works with shares trading on nearly all, non-US global exchanges, without minimum price as theyContinue reading “Loans to individuals and companies”

Updating Székely Family and Co.’s General Terms and Conditions

Székely Family and Co. Ltd. informs its current and prospective clients that the General Terms and Conditions (GTC) will be amended with effect from 15.12.2020. The amendment is made on the basis of the experience from the last year, customer requests and adaptation to the current general situation and can be summarized as follows: generalContinue reading “Updating Székely Family and Co.’s General Terms and Conditions”

Participation at the Governance Of and By Digital Technology (GOBDT) conference

Székely Family & Company proudly announces its participation at the Governance Of and By Digital Technology online conference on 18 November, 2020, organised by the International Risk Governance Center (IRGC) at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) and the Horizon 2020 TRIGGER Project. The company was directly invited by the organizers. The online eventContinue reading “Participation at the Governance Of and By Digital Technology (GOBDT) conference”

Israeli and Hungarian companies launch cooperation for research and innovation in security and disaster response

Székely Family and Co. and Septier Communications are proud to announce the start of their cooperation in the field of research and innovation for security and disaster response with 1st of November, 2020. “This cooperation with Székely Family and Co. is an exciting opportunity for Septier to integrate our search and rescue solutions in Hungary.Continue reading “Israeli and Hungarian companies launch cooperation for research and innovation in security and disaster response”
